I can really relate to her not wanting to find out what happens to a picky eater in jail.
This is what it was like for me:
I was a very picky eater and weighed about 115 lbs when I was incarcerated. The good part about it is I could always trade the food I didn’t like for cigarettes but the bad part is that when I was released, I was down to about 103 lbs and a heavy smoker.
this was great
I can really relate to her not wanting to find out what happens to a picky eater in jail.
This is what it was like for me:
I was a very picky eater and weighed about 115 lbs when I was incarcerated. The good part about it is I could always trade the food I didn’t like for cigarettes but the bad part is that when I was released, I was down to about 103 lbs and a heavy smoker.
Never Again, Thank God!