Jun 25Liked by The Small Bow

Maria Bustillos did a great, great profile and interview with Bourdain. She couldn’t find someone to publish it so just posted it at her Popula website. https://popula.com/2018/07/15/bourdain-confidential/

No hindsight required to see that it was a profile of someone on the run from something, whatever. (Not quite going to speculate.)

And credit to Maria or not, but it was the kind of piece that our exceptional establishment media would never touch these days. A bunch of decades ago, it was pretty common but then we entered a period of decline.

Anyway. Worth tracking it down…

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Read it last night! I love it. She had one of the last interviews with him. And “on the run from something” is an excellent description. (Also: Maria is directly responsible for The Small Bow’s existence.)

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Jun 25Liked by The Small Bow

Maria's a mensch, she's doing god's work trying raise freelancers' profiles.

And, yeah, that piece was sooo well reported.

Not to go TMI, but I grew up on Rex Reed and Nora Ephron who, when they did profiles, strip their subjects of as much artifice as possible. Of course, times are different now *grumble grumble*... I'm sure you're familiar, AJ.

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Thank you for this link! I would never have known how to find it. I just read the entire Maria Bustillos popula interview. wow, incredible, fascinating, funny, dark, weird.

"There’s a classic police interrogation method that I didn’t knowingly adopt, but I realized over time that I was doing it. I will talk a lot about myself in scenes. I’ll go on and on, telling about… looking for ways to disarm them, by basically, telling them things about myself that might be painful or embarrassing. We later edit all of that out; it’s all about getting them to a point where they feel free to say something. Or I’ll ask a procession of really stupid questions, you know, in the hopes that they’re going to give me a smart answer. And then you just hold your breath and listen." AB

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Jun 25Liked by The Small Bow

The profile was also fucking honest. It blew me away on reading it and now I'm a fanboy. Profiles like that should be the rule (they briefly were ca the late 60s and 70s) but... it's a different era where bullshit rules.

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Jun 25Liked by The Small Bow

Great post all the way through! And that poem at the end...that hits hard.

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Thank you, sir. Yeah I thought that poem was a good way to complete it.

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